
Since 1996, the Independent Publisher Book Awards have recognized the exceptional creativity, courage, and innovation of independent authors and publishers worldwide. Each year, we are honored to celebrate the remarkable talent that drives the independent publishing community. Below is a selection of titles from past IPPY Award recipients, accompanied by the heartfelt testimonials of those who have experienced the recognition, credibility, and increased success that these awards bring.

“We thank you again for the honor of the IPPY Award! I have to tell you that Dick has so much enjoyed wearing his medal. He wore it for several weeks after the ceremony, much to the amusement of his bandmates. But his fans were quite charmed by it. I have to tell you that Dick has now won five awards for this book, but none of the others have offered the recipients the honor and ceremony that IPPY has created for its winners. Class act, Jim.”

Dick holding Ippy Award

Susan Michelson

Desert Dreams LLC, publisher of Not Only Women Bleed, by Dick Wagner

“It’s made a huge difference in my sales, and was the key factor in convincing me to go to a second printing. The IPPY gold seal looks great on the new cover, and I think it’s opening some doors to publication reviews.”

Ed Spivey

Author of A Hamster is Missing in Washington D.C., Humor category Gold Medalist.

“My latest project was planned as a more personal story. It became a lengthy, labor of love. When I made the decision to enter my book in the IPPY Awards, I had no idea it was the same company who awarded me in 1997 (that year they were called the Small Press Book Awards). Fifteen years later, there I was in New York, my three daughters in attendance, receiving recognition for my work. Although years have passed, writing and publishing continues to be a wondrous and fulfilling purpose in my life.”

Cynthia Olsen, two-time IPPY Award winner, in 1997 and 2012

Cynthia Olsen

Two-time IPPY Award winner, in 1997 and 2012.

“Winning the silver award last year (Useppa, a Passage in Time, 2007) improved our ability to market the book in a multitude of ways. It gave us credentials that we used in our public relations and marketing; it made a real difference in our ability to get book signings and presentation opportunities; it enabled us to get radio and TV interviews; and often people selected to purchase the book because of the silver award medallion sticker. We actually had a couple of people return the book because their book did not have the medallion sticker. It also made the author and the artist feel appreciated and honored, and gave us a reason to celebrate their success!”

Chris Ludwig

Passages Press

“I can’t tell you how much I value my initial Bronze IPPY award (2008), and I know it’s been instrumental in drawing attention to the The Tao of Rudy! Chronicle Books just made an offer for The Tao of Rudy, and of course I accepted the initial terms a couple of weeks ago, and am currently reviewing the rest of the contract. A lot has happened in the last year, and I appreciate your efforts in making my first book a success!”

The Tao of Rudy

Corrine Humphreys


“The fact is award stickers help to convince buyers to purchase. I’ve seen this happen with librarians — when faced with two competing titles and a limited acquisition budget the librarians will take the one that won an award, any award, over the title that doesn’t have an award to its credit. I’m confident that this same phenomena works for bookstore patrons browsing the shelves as well.”

Jim Cox

Midwest Book Review

“I just want to let you know that you have fulfilled my wildest dreams for my book! I found the Ippy Awards online 6 years ago shortly after beginning my book and entering my book was something I always knew I would do. Winning the Gold Medal has made my year!”

Mary Anne Appleby

Author of Winnie the Bear (Dominion Street Publishing) gold medalist in the Canada-West – Best Regional Non-Fiction category

“Wanted to share some exciting news… we just signed a book deal with Atria Books (a division of Simon and Schuster). Our book is going to be re-released in July 2011. Guess you were right!”

Stacy Krastins

The Stocked Kitchen (2010 Cookbook category medalist)

“Our winning of a gold medal in the 2008 competition has greatly helped book sales. We sold nearly 2500 copies of Wild Alberta at the Crossroads last year and had to order a reprint of 1500. When we show retailers the gold medal they are always impressed and invariably order some books.”

Robin White

NatureWatch Partners

“I was speaking to (a publisher I’d met at BookExpo) on the phone and she didn’t remember me, but then the moment I said that my book won the 2006 IPPY Award for Outstanding Book of the Year – Most Life Changing, she immediately perked up and went “OH.” She got really excited after that and wanted to hear more about my book. She was happily anticipating my book proposal. First, it shows how well-known and prestigious the IPPY award is. Just the name IPPY Award can knock down brick walls. Second, it’s a great example of how important it is for authors to submit their books to award contests.”

Bronwyn Marmo, author of The Food is a Lie, the Truth is Within

Bronwyn Marmo

Author of The Food is a Lie, the Truth is Within

“Equipped with these awards, the book has taken on a new life. We’ve had several reviewers who passed on the chance to review it the first time around offer to review it now. We’ve also had some paperback reprint interest and even some film interest.”

Joan Schweighardt

Author of 2004 winner, the historical thriller Gudrun's Tapestry

“It was always going to be difficult for me to do business all the way from Australia. You and your awards have provided a “foot in the door” in the US market for me, which I thoroughly appreciate!”

Ronald Johnston

One Vision Books, Brisbane, Australia

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